Ê AD&D¨ 2nd Edition Character Sheets in PDF format. I hope you enjoy the character sheets. ItÕs taken a while, but I think IÕve found a format that everyone can use. These character sheets are used by players in my AD&D¨ campaign. TheyÕre tailored for use in a 2nd edition campaign, which uses the PlayerÕs Options rules. I do not permit Psionics in my campaign, and as a result youÕll find that there is no room on the sheet for statistics related to them. Another small change is the saving throws. I do not use standard AD&D¨ saving throws. I use a system developed by Michael Brown. Please see http://www.geocities.com/rvaessen/savethro.html for more details. ItÕs a highly detailed character sheet, with numerous footnotes. IÕve tried to cover everything in the footnotes, but you might have some questions. If some of the house rules leave you wondering you might find it useful to visit my homepage at http://www.geocities.com/rvaessen/ YouÕll find numerous articles/items related to role playing in a FRP campaign. If you have any questions regarding the character sheet please feel free to write me at: rvaessen@geocities.com This archive contains eight documents. They are: chshtndx.pdf - Character sheet index chshtws.pdf - Character sheet weapons supplement chshtss.pdf - Character sheet spells supplement chshtes.pdf - Character sheet equipment supplement chshtmis.pdf - Character sheet magic item supplement chsht.pdf - The primary character sheet chshtbn.pdf - Character sheet bank note readme.pdf - This document All the materials (Text and Graphics) in this archive were created by an independent author (me) with no connection to TSR, Inc. or Wizard's of the Coast, Inc. (WoTC). They should not be considered part of the official AD&D¨ product line, the Forgotten Realms¨ product line, or any other product line published by TSR/WoTC. These materials may incorporate, and/or may be based on, and/or derived from, copyrighted materials of TSR/WoTC. Additionally, these materials may contain trademarks of TSR/WoTC. Any use of copyrighted materials or trademarks in these materials should not be viewed as a challenge to those copyrights or trademarks, and are used without authorization, endorsement, or specific permission. Any commercial use of copyrighted materials without express permission is prohibited. These materials are for free personal use only; provided the authors name is cited and the materials are not altered in any way. These materials may not be published or distributed in any manner, without the prior, explicit permission of the author/copyright holder. (PDF documents created using AppleWorks 6.0.4 © 1991-2000 Apple Computer, Inc, and PrintToPDF ©1999 version 1.5.4 by James W. Walker Character sheet Authored by: Robert L. Vaessen ©2000)