This is a listing of the characters, adventurers, villains, and non-player characters (NPCs) introduced in the Rob's World! Face-to-Face (f2f) campaign (after the campaign 'reboot' of Nov, 2019). This listing includes all current player characters and non-player characters introduced in the game to date*. If you'd like to see a more extensive listing of characters from the Rob's World! campaign, check out the Gallery of Hero's. A listing of past and present player characters. The Campaign Master/Administrator: Robert L. Vaessen |
Campaign Master: I'm currently running a f2f (face-to-face) D&D® campaign. We switched back from online gaming after the pandemic ended (March of 2020 - May of 2021), and we've been playing in person ever since. That period of forced isolation was painful and not really all that necessary. We've implemented a strict "If you're sick, stay home rule" that should protect most of us from future contagious illness. The Rob's World! campaign is based on the 3.5 version of the D&D rules, with some house rules thrown in to spice things up. For more info on our campaign, see the "Rob's World! D&D Campaign" website: <> Dungeon Master: |
Player Characters: If you'd like to see the players as a group: I've posted a link to a photo of the group here. I'll do my best to keep it up to date |
Phulleigh Dotfive (aka Five, aka Northo Echtho, aka Northo) is one of the original members of the group. He met five other adventurers in Whillip one fine day. They all managed to discover an Advertisement at the City Square Kiosk. The 'Adventurers Wanted' advertisement led them to "X's" Manor, and he became a founding member of a band of adventurers soon afterwards. The Halfling, Druid is a spunky sport despite his physical limitations (or perhaps because of?). With his trusty 'steed' (Spencer) nearby, Phulleigh is never one to refuse a challenge or turn down a mystery. Physical Description Homeland (Country/City) Background / History You can read all about Phulleigh's back story in a character centric article prepared for the game. Find out why Phulleigh has such a limp, such scars, such a warrior attitude for a nature loving farm boy. You'll be near to tears as you read about the special bond formed between the warrior boy and the mastiff named Spencer. Spencer |
Wistari-Rain (aka Wistari) is one of the original members of the group. She met five other adventurers in Whillip one fine day. They all managed to discover an advertisement at the City Square Kiosk. The 'Adventurers Wanted' advertisement led them to "X's" Manor, and she became a founding member of a band of adventurers soon afterwards. The Human, Bard is a true entertainer with skill at song and dance, and she's always willing to belt out a song of inspiration or ballad to make the trail a bit lighter. Physical Description Homeland (Country/City) Background / History |
Garreck Palegold is one of the original members of the group. He met five other adventurers in Whillip one fine day. They all managed to discover an Advertisement at the City Square Kiosk. The 'Adventurers Wanted' advertisement led them to "X's" Manor, and Garreck became a founding member of a band of adventurers soon afterwards. The Duergar, Factotum seems to be in a constant state of frustration and annoyance, though the cause isn't usually apparent. He is quick to laugh, quick to drink, and quick to fight. Mostly quick on anything, including making rash decisions without thinking about them. He seems to harbor some bitterness regarding his family and never speaks of them. He is distrustful, almost belligerent to other Duergar he comes across. He won't stand for the helpless being taken advantage of. As of Aug 27, 2020: Garreck was played by Stephen R, until he left our group in July of 2020. Since Stephen's departure, we've recruited a new player. Pete B. has decided to play Garreck for now. Hopefully this works out for Pete. Garreck certainly is a unique character with lots of potential. Physical Description Homeland (Country/City) Background / History You can read all about Garreck's back story in a character centric journal style document prepared for the game. Find out why a Duregar lives amongst us surface dwellers, why Garreck has hatred for slavers and why he despises the lakeside town of Hillsfar. [Top] |
Pfineas is one of the original members of the group. He met five other adventurers in Whillip one fine day. They all managed to discover an advertisement at the City Square Kiosk. The 'Adventurers Wanted' advertisement led them to "X's" Manor, and he became a founding member of a band of adventurers soon afterwards. This Elven, Magic User is a aficionado of all things magical and a consummate student, researcher and adventurer with a keen eye for new knowledge. Who's playing Pfineas now? It's been a journey: From March of 2020 - July of 2024: Pfineas was played by Brent I., until he left our group in July of 2023. After Brent's departure, Pfineas was played by a mix of seated players, supporting players, drop-ins, and candidates. A search for a new player was successful, and we seated a new full-time player (Andrew R.) in Feb of 2025. Andrew R. played Pfineas from Dec of 2024 - Feb of 2025. As of Feb 17th, 2025, Andrew has adopted Pfineas as his charater, and will now be playing Pfineas full-time. Hooray - Pfineas will be sticking around; thanks to Andrew. Physical Description Homeland (Country/City) Background / History Labraen |
Vern is one of the original members of the group. He met five other adventurers in Whillip one fine day. They all managed to discover an advertisement at the City Square Kiosk. The 'Adventurers Wanted' advertisement led them to "X's" Manor, and he became a founding member of a band of adventurers soon afterwards. The Human, Cleric is a enthusiastic Initiate of Lathander and seeks to further the glory of Lathander's light while collecting a little of the loot that comes along with that glory. As of 27 Aug, 2020: Vern was played by Floyd E, until he left our group in August of 2020. Since Floyd's departure, we've recruited a new player. Robert W. has agreed to play Vern for now. Hopefully this works out for Robert. Vern certainly is a traditional 'back-bone' character with lots of potential. Physical Description Homeland (Country/City) Background / History |
AvyLynn and a friend traveled to Whillip more than a year ago. They stopped at 'the Beacon' a large religious compound on a ridge overlooking Whillip. This complex of buildings was occupied by various people who worship Pelor, Lathandar and Aumontor (all aspects of Pelor). The commune is self sufficient, but can be somewhat insulated - It’s not Whillip. It’s a safe community of like minded people. After a year away from Whillip, working as a caravan guard, AvyLynn returns to find a new opportunity. Her friend was gone, but he left a note, recommending that she apply for a job as an 'Adventurer' with the enigmatic 'X', who lives in a large manor just outside of town. AvyLynn applied for that job, and now she's a member of the 'Xterminators' - Adventure is close at hand! Physical Description Homeland (Country/City) Background / History |
Nathaniel is the newest member of our adventuring group. Technically, he isn't one of the Xterminators (yet), and he's only met them a few days ago. Until he agrees to abide by Article II of the party's 'Concordium', he is only considered to be an ally or friend of the group. How did he come to join up with our adventurers? Well, I'm glad you asked. In his own words (from a journal entry): "Two days ago I was just concluding some training at 'The Beacon', when an acolyte invited me to visit with 'Mariah Perselen' a Cleric of Mystra. She told me that the Church of Mystra is very interested in learning firsthand about any magic items recovered from Shraevyn's Tomb. She went on to explain that I could learn more from a man known only as 'X', who lives in a manor just east of Whillip. I was summoned to the manor, where I met with this X, who told me about the Exterminators (Xterminators?), and their adventures. He stated he had an urgent message for Thrush, the whisper gnome scout, one of their group to take an extended leave of absence due to some family emergency." "Most recently the Xterminators had undertaken a secretive mission to recover some magic items and assist the freedom loving peoples of the Dales. He learned about the Zhentarim, Randal Morn, and the mystery of his kidnapping as well as the history of Shraevyn the renowned weapons mage. As the Church of Mystra is interested in all things magical, and keeping powerful magic items from those who would abuse or misuse such items to the ill of the Realms, I volunteered to deliver this message to the Xterminators, and to possibly assist in their latest quest since they will be a member down." Physical Description Homeland (Country/City) Background / History Nathaniel was lucky enough to have parents who could afford to send him to school, and arrange for him to apprentice with various respected organizations within the city. At a young age, when he had just finished his initial studies and training as a newly anointed Acolyte knight of Mystra (and only 14 years old), he left the bright and shiny city of Silverymoon to travel far away to the town of Whillip, where he sought additional training under the tutelage of Mariah Perselin, a Cleric of Mystra who resides at the Beacon (a beautiful and wondrous place of learning and spiritual elevation just north of Whillip). Two years would pass before he finished his training as a paladin, having shifted his focus from the clergy. He was thrilled to have been summoned to ’The Manor’ for an audience with someone who might be able to provide him with an opportunity for adventure in the very town where Elminster lives. You can read more about Nathaniel's background at "Rob's World!". [Top] |
Non-Player characters/Former Player Characters: [ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z ] Anaglathos: As reported by Vern's observations. While our adventurers were engaged in some dungeon crawling, seeking fame and fortune in the Twilight Fortress, Vern and his companions learned about a legendary Dragon of old. According to some local legends and confirmed by some musty old papers. Anaglathos was a powerful evil Dragon that caused desolation in the Steppes. This particular beast was revered by a group of Dragon cultists. Believed to be long dead, one can only hope that they never need to verify this assumption. Astrix: Astrix is an owl (a Male owl). Yes, an Owl. Astrix is a familiar. A familiar is a magical creature that resembles a small animal, but it's unusually tough and intelligent. Familiars server Sorcerers as companions and servants. As a sorcerer advances in level, his familiar also increases in power. Astrix was the familiar of Sharlyn Hokkera (a novice Wizard who disappeared while exploring the ruins of the 'Twilight Fortress'). Our group of adventurers encountered Astrix on their way from Kulta to the ruins of the Twilight Fortress. Astrix is eager to find his lost master. He doesn't know for sure whether she's alive or dead. All he knows is that they were separated very early in their quest. While they were encamped just outside the Fortress, an evil eagle attacked Astrix, carried him off, and the next thing he knows, he awoke on the shore of a lake many miles away from the Twilight Fortress. When he recovered, he found that his master was nowhere to be found. He searched for her for three days. Eventually, he found his way back to Kulta, and then to the ruins. Astrix no longer has a telepathic bond with Sharlyn, but he hopes to find her within the Fortress. The party knows that Astrix can speak some common, but they do not know all of Astrix's abilities. Currently, Astrix is accompanying the party - Hopeful that they will help him to be reunited with his master.
[ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z ] Bakut the Outcast: Bakut the Outcast is an 'Evil' Human Druid that our adventurers heard of while exploring the dark recesses of the Twilight Fortress. The party learned about Bakut by questioning various friendly and neutral inhabitants of the Twilight Fortress. According to Yanithrex, the 'Queen' of the Kobolds: "The Outcast, he lives below. He grows the fruit, which he gives to the goblins. The dragon-thieving goblins are his servants!". According to a Gnomish prisoner (freed from a Goblin stockade): "I've heard the goblins talk about the Gloaming Grove down below. There an evil druid called Bakut tends an enchanted garden and harvests the enchanted fruit from something the Goblins call the Ackeron Tree, but only in the most terrified of whispers. The enchanted fruit grows on the Ackeron Tree." "The midsummer fruit restores spirit and vigor to those who eat it; the pale midwinter fruit steals the same. Bakut allows the goblins to sell the fruit on the surface, but I don't know why.” According to Vern, it is believed (by the Xterminators and others?) that Bakut creates the Scion Scourge through some sort of evil ritual. Vern also recorded that the Midsummer fruit of the Ackeron Tree has healing properties when eaten, and the Midwinter fruit steals away life, making the person who eats it weak and sick. Bakut is also said to be the one who wanted the Humans (Tagart, Sharlyn and Sir Brannard) captured and brought to him. The Xterminators eventually encountered, did battle with, and defeated (killed) Bakut the Outcast. [Top] Beebo the Kobold: Beebo the Kobold is the 'Keeper of Dragons' in the Twilight Fortress. Beebo is a member of the Rusty Hinge tribe of Kobold's who live in the Twilight Fortress. Beebo once held the prestigious position of 'Dragon Keeper'. He was charged with caring for the tribe's potent mascot, a wyrmling White Dragon. Unfortunately, a few weeks ago, a rival tribe of Goblins 'pet-napped' the White Dragon. With the loss of his charge, Beebo's status is in the gutter. As Vern puts it he is now 'Beebo the disgraced'. Beebo is generally weepy and physically frightened of the PCs. At times his personality shifts from pride (in his previous duty) to shame (at having lost his charge) and cowardice at the dangers held within the Twilight Fortress. Upon close examination, one may note that Beebo possesses many scars, which are "souvenirs" of his role as Keeper of Dragons. After accompanying the Xterminators on a successful quest to 'rescue' Corthas the Dragon (the tribe's beloved mascot), Beebo's status is looking up! [Top] Bidvar Minitin the Halfling: Buildings in Whillip are addressed numerically. And building #52 is of supreme importance to any adventurer. Building #52 is also known as 'Where Now?'. The building is a small house with attached news stand. The proprietor/owner, a Halfling (Bidvar Minitin) possesses an exclusive contract with the city of Whillip. The only person who may dispense directions (in any manner) to places of business (Private residences are exempted) is Bidvar. The city of Whillip enforces this contract, and it is illegal for any resident to give out directions to places of business within the city of Whillip. Those caught violating this 'contract' can be fined up to 250gp, or jailed, depending on the severity of the violation. Bidvar is middle aged and cheery. Who wouldn't be with that sweet contract? [Top] [ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z ] Sandri Cinderwinter: Female Chondathan, roughly 60 years old and 120 lbs. Long dark hair with plenty of gray, brown eyes. Runs large orphanage in Shadowdale where Vern spent early youth. Stern but encouraging, only dresses in sturdy work clothes. Would be happy to see Vern but is very reserved in temperament when strangers are present.
Gordahl Copperspire: Cleric of Lathander, retired adventurer. Chondathan human male. Roughly 50 years old, 6'2", 190 lbs. Very fit for his age and usually wear magical full plate, light mace, and heavy shield. Long gray hair, beard, and mustache. Brown eyes. Level 10+, mentored Vern for several months when Vern was becoming a cleric. More practical in approach to faith than philosophical.
Corthas the White Dragon: Corthas is a young White Dragon. As a young Dragon, this creature is referred to as a wyrmling. The Xterminators encountered Corthas in the Twilight Fortress, along with his 'owners'? the Kobolds. The party originally thought that Corthas was a 'pet'. They didn't truly comprehend that the creature was intelligent and sentient. After encountering it in a closet/junk room, it tried to protect itself; or kill the party?, with it's breath weapon. They knocked the creature unconscious and returned it to it's 'Keeper', Beebo the Kobold. While this action may have helped strengthen their relationship with the Rusty Hinge tribe of Kobolds in the Twilight Fortress, it might also have created an adversary named 'Corthas'. Dragons live a really long time, and legend has it that they have a good memory... [Top] [ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z ] Thrush Daergel: Thrush is a Whisper Gnome Scout. He was last seen adventuring with the Xterminators in the Dalelands. On a dreary day in Novius, a stranger arrived while the party was encamped outside some musty old ruins. This messenger had an urgent note for Thrush - A Family Emergency of the utmost urgency was conveyed (by way of a letter from X). The visitor conveyed the message, handed Thrush a pouch of something (coins?), and a scroll. Thrush broke the seal on the scroll, spoke the words "Smarty Pants", and he immediately vanished from sight, accompanied by a loud thunderous clap - The clear sign of Teleport magic. Is Thrush gone for good? Where did he go? Is he still a member of the Xterminators? All good questions. A mystery for another day. [Top] The Dungeon Delvers: The Dungeon Delvers are a party of adventurers formed in the small town of Kulta, Sembia. The group was formed by the twins, Sharlyn and Tagart Hokkera. Along with four other members, this brave group of adventurers decided to embark upon a quest to find their futures and hopefully some treasure in the nearby ruins of a ruined fortress. As there isn't much to do in Kulta, the group was fairly certain that this adventure into the rift would be only the first of many adventures. What they didn't know was this adventure might also be their last. When they left the comfort of the small town, the party consisted of the following members:
Like many adventuring groups based in Sembia, this group was a chartered, officially recognized group of enterprising individuals looking for opportunities throughout the realms. Ready to fight evil, loot tombs, and vanquish taint at any opportunity. Update: After the Xterminators rescued Sharlyn and Sir Brannard from the vile clutches of Bakut the Outcast, the party learned that many of the other Dungeon Delvers died. Tagart Hokkera and Thursten Hazaree were alive and with Sharlyn and Sir Brannard... Up until their last memories... Laying down amongst the roots of the Ackeron Tree. [Top] [ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z ] Sarya Ellarian: Female Sun Elf paladin of Lathander, level uncertain. Long copper hair, green eyes. 5'1", 90 lbs. Roughly 150 years old, late adulthood. Was adventurer at one point, never speaks of it. Spends her time at the church, preaching and healing the faithful and needy. In robes unless tending to wounds. Carries a rapier at hip but has not been seen in armor in decades. Often spoke with and counseled Vern on the faith and philosophy of Lathander.
The 'Boy'. Ellis: Ellis is a small human male child, approximately 8 years old. Ellis has reddish blond hair and blue eyes. A disarming smile adorns his face. A cheerful demeanor dispels your doubts. Ellis wears knickers, tights, a brown vest and a white cotton shirt. His feet are clad in hiking boots. He is an apprentice to 'X' the Magic User. He has exhibited uncharacteristically high intelligence for someone so young. His mannerisms are not what most would consider consistent with those of an eight year old child. [Top] Elminster Aumar: Elminster the mage, aka Elminster the sage. The Sage of Shadowdale, or the 'Old Mage'. One of the most famous and powerful wizards in all the Realms. Also considered on of the most respected and knowledgeable Sages in the Realms. A human of indeterminate age. Elminster has the physical appearance of a man in his 50s or 60s, yet he is known to have been around for well unto hundreds of years. His legendary status is due in no small part, to his prodigious writings. There are countless books and treatises penned under his name. Libraries abound with this author's work. Not all such books are written by his hand mind you, and he is known to employ more than one scribe to help record the Sages great knowledge and wisdom. Of late, he mostly confines his wanderings to the small village of Shadowdale, but his earlier career (centuries of it) saw him gallivanting across the Realms in search of adventure. [Top] [ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z ] Fashaughn: Is this his first name or last name? The party isn't quite sure. It was seemingly used as a first name. The party never actually met this individual (presumably male? what race?). Fashaughn is believed (based upon observed acquaintances and perceived connections) to be a Zhentarim spy. Fashaughn is known (believed) to be the owner of a blacksmith’s shop in the town of Archtassel. That blacksmith's house is a known hideout for Zhentarim agents and associates. When the party visited his estate and plantation, the party met and conversed with numerous workers and guests. Some of the workers employed by Fashaughn are indentured servants. They've willing entered into a tenant landlord agreement with Fashaughn. They work on his plantation for extremely low pay, but they receive food and housing in return. This type of living/working arrangement is legal in Sembia (provided the contracts are approved and filed with/kept by the state).
Freedom Fighters: The Freedom Fighters of Daggerdale are a group of young men and women engaged in armed resistance against the oppressive forces of the Zhentarim. Most of their efforts of rebellious resistance are carried out covertly, to avoid discovery by the Zhentarim forces. Our party of heroes have been recruited (through their sponsor X) to assist this motley group of rebels. [Top] [ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z ] The Baron; Kyle Lans Gentwell: The Baron rules the city of Whillip, under the auspices of the nations true rulers. The merchants. Although Baron Gentwell's title, and power are the result of ancient ancestral service to the rulers of Hadeska/Sembia, he could soon find himself in dire straits without the tacit approval of the merchants council. The Baron has a large extended family who all enjoy some measure of privilege as a result of their relation. The Baron is respected by the people of Whillip. But seen more as an economic asset than a regal head of state. [Top] Clavius Gnarlesh: Wizard with Ordulin guard encountered on the road between Ordulin and Whillip. Clavius was traveling with the Ordulin on the main highway from Ordulin to Whillip. The patrol was led by Capt. Praetus Orlean. It was unclear whether Clavius was part of the patrol, or whether he was simply traveling in their company. He was notably traveling just behind the Capt in the patrol. With long flowing white hair and a hat that screamed 'Wizard!', Clavius clearly wasn't traveling 'incognito'. His clothing demeanor and wizardly manner easily bespoke his profession. According to a detect magic spell cast upon the patrol, he magic items, especially his staff. Believed to be very powerful. [Top] Lilis Greatriver: Female Chondathan human, mid-30's, 5'6", 140 lbs. Long blonde hair in ponytail, green eyes. Runs an inn in Shadowdale, knows Vern well, as he often spent time there after work listening to adventurers' stories. Often very familiar with major goings-on in Shadowdale.
[ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z ] H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights: An adventuring group based in Whillip. This adventuring group is well known in Whillip. This group was actually successful in recovering a legendary book from the ruins of Lingice Enz. They successfully prevented the escape of a group of Demons and their cohorts from Hellgate keep. They broke up a group of cultists in Whillip, and many more exploits, too numerous to mention here. The group has been missing (in training/adventuring in the far north) for some weeks now. The group consists of seven members (when they were last gathered in Whillip):
Like many adventuring groups based in Whillip (and Sembia), they are a chartered, officially recognized group of enterprising individuals looking for opportunities throughout the realms. Ready to fight evil, loot tombs, and vanquish taint at any opportunity. [Top] Carlin Harikon: A longtime friend of X's. Originally from Daggerdale, Carlin now lives in Whillip where he oversees a traders caravan company. Our party of adventurers met with Carlin (at X's invitation) on the 6th of Junta 1008. Carlin proposed an adventure to the party. Carlin said he has a brother, Scott Harikon. Scott is a commander that protects caravans. Scott knows a man named Randal Morn, Carlin went on to describe many details regarding Randal Morn, the Freedom Riders and the Zhentarim they're fighting against. Carlin conveyed a request and proposal of adventure to the Xterminators. Given that Carlin is a friend of X's, the Xterminators trust Carlin to be a good and honorable man - as he is vouched for by X. But then again, he might be a Zhentarim spy! [Top]
[ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z ] Gronkar Kabis: Gronkar is one of four guards who work (in shifts) at the Manor. Gronkar is a young Half-Orc with a keen sense of humor and a quick wit. He sports a mohawk and prefers to go without a helmet (despite his orders otherwise). While Gronkar comes from a somewhat sophisticated line of Orcish nobility, he's often looked down upon by other Half-Orcs because a perceived air of pandering to other 'Orc' kin. Gronkar takes pride in his drill and skill with the Halberd. He frequently engages visitors in friendly banter and jokes. Like the other guards at the Manor, Gronkar has received extensive training in the martial arts, and he's not your typical store guard. [Top] Kraddoch: Kraddoch - First name, last name, only known name. Kraddoch is a Tanarukk (Not list on monsters page, because they're allowed as PC (details in Forgotten Realms - Races of Faerun (2003) supplement)). The Tanarukk are a breed of Orc (also a permitted PC race), whose blood has been tainted by an evil outsider (in many cases that of a demon). Kraddoch is an 'Old' Tanarukk - An unusual occurence for his species, as only the incredibly powerful and crafty Tannarukk live to be more than 60 years old. One can tell that he's old by the coarse greyish-white hair on his head, mane and arms. That, and the fact that his body is litterally covered in battle scars. With menacing dimly glowing yellow eyes and a mouth filled with sharpened metal? teeth, Kraddoch appears to be a deadly warrior. The Xterminators encountered Kraddoch as a guest at a plantation just outside of Archtassel while journeying through the realms.
[ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z ] Lheo: About the only thing that the Xterminators know about Lheo, is the fact that he is a scribe under the employ (in Shadowdale) of a great Sage named Elminster. The party finally met with Lheo at the Old Skull Inn, in Shadowdale, on the 13th of Nov, 1008. They enjoyed a pleasant conversation, good food, and more than enough drinks, before Lheo told them about... [Top] [ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z ] Lenginth Moorels: We first saw Lenginth sitting in the dark (he's got Darkvision) smoking a pipe. It was a bit eerie seeing him that way. Sitting in a rocking chair, in the dark, in the barn. All we saw was a dim red light, which slowly rocked up and down. Accompanied by a creaking noise (he was sitting in a rocking chair). The light grew bright, then dimmed as if it were some evil denizen spying upon the party... Creepy. It turned out that the light was Lenginth, smoking a pipe, while he rocked gently in a rocking chair. Lenginth is one of X's employees. He serves many roles: Coachman, Stableman, Smithy, Armorer, Weapons master. Lenginth is a Dwarve of middle age? It's hard to tell with Dwarves; who's beard is nearly as long as he is tall. You notice that his hands are very large and worn. He wears a livery uniform, and aside from the rather long beard has a clean and well kempt appearance. His steely gray eyes focus directly on yours. He seems friendly towards the adventurers. He must know something of horses and horsemanship - We saw him checking the teams harness. The party has observed that Lenginth seems to have an affinity for all animals, even those that others might shun; take for example his pet spider 'Spot'. Could Lenginth be a Druid or a Ranger? Lenginth speaks with a slight accent.. [Top] "Good day young sirs. Me name be 'Lenginth Moorels'. I'm a stableman, smithy, coachman and more to master X and the young Ellis. Nathis tells me that the master has employed your services. It appears he's chosen well, you look to be a strapping fity group. Nathis says I'm sposed to take ye' into town for shoppin. If ye've nay questions we'll be on our way. Where would ye like to go? Straight to Emberden's; or to a dinning establishment affore your business?" Randal Morn: Randal Morn is a 'Freedom Fighter'. One time member of the Daggerdale Militia. When the Zhentarim appeared in the area, they wiped out the squad he was attached to. Out on a patrol when the Zhentarim struck the groups camp, Randal returned to find them all slaughtered, and vowed to begin a resistance against the group, and avenge the people of the Dales. He took his organizational skills and fighting prowess to the Forrest just north of Daggerdale, where he formed a resistance group (The Freedom Riders), engaging in guerrilla warfare against the Zhentarim forces in the area. Randal went missing in Febulus of 1008. [Top] [ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z ] Nathis. The House Man: A Half-Elven male of indeterminate, middle? age. Dressed in formal wear when first met. He met Ellis and the rest of the party at the entrance to the Manor proper. He is "X's" House man (Chief of Staff). In charge of supervising the other staff members and ensuring that the needs of the master and his guests are well met. [Top] Berkassum Neballafog: A Human, Male commander of a Zhentarim patrol. Berkassum is a Male, Human, aged approximately 50 years old, 5' 8" in height, thinly built, weighing appx 150lbs, with gray hair, crop cut with a neatly trimmed beard of 3" length and no mustache. He had a scar over his right eye and spoke with a Dammaran accent. He was wearing all black, and a brown leather traveling cloak. He had a Zhentarim symbol over his left breast. Berkassum is an Enforcer for the Zhentarim administrative district of the Northwestern Dalelands. Berkassum, led a group of six other Zhentarim members in an attack on a trade caravan outside the Hamlet of Cardise (along northern stretch of the Thunderpeaks bypass road). The Zhentarim patrol consisted of experienced warriors and equestrians. The other men with Berkassum were armored in some sort of unusual blackened chain mail. They all wore the same brown leather leather cloaks with a Zhentarim symbol on the back. The most unusual thing about this group (according to the caravan survivors) of Zhentarim riders was the fact that when they exhaled, there was no condensate visible; even though the conditions warranted it. The group was armed with longswords, and triple-daggers (ref AE pages 6 & 10 / RWWL, 3ewpnlst.pdf page 5). Their warhorses were unarmored and very quick. According to a witness (the teamster of the caravan that they attacked), the horses were of a breed called 'Plainsteed'. The men dismounted quickly and easily took control of the caravan's lead and trail wagons. Before they knew it, Samson (one of the caravan guards) was dead and several other guards were wounded. [Top] [ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z ] Praetus Orlean: Praetus Orlean is a captain of the guard in Ordulin (The crossroads capital of Sembia/Hadeska). The party encountered an Ordulin patrol on the road between Ordulin and Whillip. The guard were on horseback; they wore uniforms with tabards emblazoned with the symbol of the Ordulin guard. Holding the rank of Captain, Praetus informed the party that the Ordulin guard patrol numerous highways and roads throughout Sembia. The members of the unit were very quiet and respectful at rest.
[ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z ] Principus Palanak: Principus Palanak goes by 'Palanak'. It's a naming convention that he became used to from his days in military service, and he's gone by his last name ever since - Not to mention the fact that prior to that, people called him 'Prince', and that always felt a little contrite. Most people used the 'Prince' nick-name sarcastically, and Palanak was glad to leave it behind once he started serving in the Legion. Palanak is a a lower level preist (He's got more levels in Fighter than Cleric) at the Beacon in the town of Whillip. He's happy to serve, with his days of 'Surviving' being part of his past. He has numerous 'War Stories' about his past as a commander of Infantry in the legion - An unsanctioned militia (funded by a secretive coalition of tradesmen and businessmen who only wanted to ensure safer commerce throughout the region) that guarded the Northwestern Dales against the dual threats of monsters from Anaurach and Zherntarim agents. Palanak has provided healing and spell casting services to various adventuring groups (through the Beacon's services), but he's never taken up arms since he 'retired' from the constant threat of war in the north. [Top] Captain George Pokorny: George Pokorny is the Captain of the Sweet Lady, a coastal fishing vessel (occasionally converted over for transport of cargo and/or passengers), that plies the inner-sea of the Realms. Captain Pokorny is a resident of Whillip, the city where the 'Sweet Lady' sails from. Captain Pokorny is a loud mouthed human of middle age. He's a tall man, with a wide girth, an unruly mop of red hair and a scraggly beard. His weathered face and hands tell the tale of many a sea voyage and his prowess at the helm is often sought for hire by adventurers and their sponsors. Captain Pokorny employs a crew of trusted sailors and takes great pride in the Sweet Lady. [Top] Praetus: An eight year old Human boy. The Xterminators took the boy under their care for a brief period of time. The adventurer's found this boy amidst a tragedy; missing one shoe, standing in the middle of the road, looking shocked and frightened. His father had been captured by a group of Alaghi. While some party members kept a watchful eye on Praetus, the others engaged the Alaghi (Their leaders was named Bachama) in conversation. From the boy and the Alaghi, they learned the Praetus' father (Jalpa) had murdered an Alaghi female (Seeba, a great mother) and four Alaghi children. The Alaghi found blood stained tracks and were able to track down Jalpa after two days of non-stop travel. The Alaghi were about to hang Jalpa when the party found them gathered around a great tree in a nearby clearing. The party's Paladin detected evil emenating from the boy's father (Jalpa). Some brief questioning and soul searching led the party to the aweful conclusion - Jalpa is guilty, and should pay for his crimes. Praetus is innocent and needs their protection. They took the boy under their care, and left Jalpa to the Alaghi's justice. Hopefully, the Xterminators can find a suitable foster family or orphanage where the boy can be safely raised in a loving environment; instead of being raised by a criminal in the wilds of the Realms. After traveling with the party for a time, the party noted that the boy was displaying some 'concerning' behaviors, and he made some troubling statements. After a brief conversation; amongst party members, the Paladin checked the boy's alignment - Oh no! The boy is now detecitng as Evil. That's not good... Update: As of 13 Nov, 1008 (In game date), the party arrived in Shadowdale, met with an old friend of Vern's, and decided to place the boy in the care of Sandri Cinderwinter. Sandri is the Matron of the Orphanage of Mercy, colocated on the property of the House of Plenty, a Temple of Chauntea in Shadowdale. The party received assurances from Sandri that the boy will receive the best care, housing, and education that the Orphanage can afford. The party donated a large sum of money (300gp?) to help defray those costs, and pledged ongoing support as needed to help raise the boy in a caring and safe environment. [Top] Pugnacious: Pugnacious is a Druid trapped in the form of a Dire Bear. The Xterminators encountered Pugnacious on the way to Shadowdale. Concerned over a trail of blood and disturbed foliage, the party took the time to investigate a portential threat to the local population. They discovered a vast number of bones and some treasure, just outside a large cave. Above the cave was a symbol of Mielikki. Hidden behind lichen and moss, the symbol was ancient but a splendid example of stonework. Encouraged by the symbol. The party's Druid knelt in prayer and sought divine inspiration. Although the potential for danger was high, Phulleigh decided to enter the cave alone. Within he discovered an enormous Dire Bear feasting upon the remains of a slain moose. Shortly after checking his sphincter, Pugnacious spoke (telepathically) to Phulleigh. Phulleigh learned of this Druid's fate. Punished by Mielikki for transgressions against the natural order, he was cursed to remain in bear form until he atones for his sins (he didn't tell Phulleigh what he did). Pugnacious offered the cave as sanctuary to the party. [Top] [ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z ] The Raven. Twilight: A large black Raven which can speak. Believed/supposed to be "X's" familiar? "Twilight is a terrific bird." This raven is capable of speech. Or so it seems. We've heard it speak on occasion. We're not quite sure how intelligent it is, but it certainly is a magnificent creature. [Top] "Then the boy reaches out and pets the birds head as it continues to eat the apple. The bird is rather impressive. Surely it must be two feet from beak to tail. The beak is sharp and straight, the talons look rather formidable as well. It's handling that apple rather easily. And the coat; it gleams as if polished. The bird reminds you of an obsidian dagger. [ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z ] Shraevyn: A long-dead wizard. Some among you may have heard of Shraevyn, the weapons-mage, in your studies. He was a good wizard who served the Dales back in the late 900?s. By all reports, he was wise and just, and he is credited with creating some of the most unique and powerful magical items of the era. Koseff Spiva: Male Vaasan human, early 20's, 1st or 2nd level cleric. Also, from orphanage and same church as Vern, has not left Shadowdale to any real extent. Olive skin, brown eyes, medium-length dark brown hair with full beard. Was fairly friendly with Vern growing up, this may well be colored by envy when Vern returns after some successful adventuring.
Madarn Spiderhunter: A forest gnome of middle age? Madarn was equipped as a Ranger might be, and clearly knew what he was doing when the Xterminators encountered him; he was single-handedly 'wrestling' a giant spider into a cage. Madarn is clearly a respected protector of the Gomish community of Stormpenhauder.
Madarn Spiderhunter, 5th-level forest gnome fighter: AL NG; AC 4; MV 12; hp 54; THAC0 16; #AT 1; Dmg by weapon type +1; S 17, D 12, C 17, I 11, W 12, CH 13; SZ S; ML 14; XP 975; short sword, 40 poisoned darts (type O), leather +2, shield +1. Large Spider (Caged): Int animal; AL N; AC 8; MV 6, Wb 15; HD 1+1; hp 5; THAC0 19; #AT 1; Dmg 1 + poison (type A); SZ S; ML 7; XP 175. Madarn offers to take the party to his village of Stormpemhauder. He tells them of the good food and fine products available for sale there.
Dorrin Stonehill: Chondathan human male. Journeyman blacksmith in Shadowdale. Trained Vern during his apprenticeship after he left the orphanage. Mid 30's, 5' 7", very stocky and muscular. Brown eyes, dirty blonde hair cut short and shaves beard fully every 2-3 days. Full mustache. Owns his own small shop in Shadowdale. Tends to be very driven and speaks little during work or work-related activities, much more friendly and talkative in more social situations.
The crew of the Sweet Lady: The crew of the Sweet Lady are an adventurer's support group.: The Sweet Lady is a fishing vessel converted for coastal transport. It is wholly owned by its captain, who frequently hires out to X and other adventuring groups. When it’s not hired out for the transport of adventurers and the transportation of their loot, it works the coastal waters off Whillip, catching fish and hiring out on sport fishing journeys. FYI: There’s room for some storage and sleeping berths to accommodate 8 people. The ship travels at a rate of 2mph/48mpd. Captain Pokorny employs a crew of trusted sailors and takes great pride in the Sweet Lady.
The Sweet Lady is manned by these eight crew members. They sometimes sleep in two shifts (A = 1200-2359, and B = 2359-1200). The Captain and 1st mate split their time (when the crew is working shifts) across both crews. The Captain mans the bridge from 0600-1800 (C) and 1st mate from 1800-0600 (D) [Top] [ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z ] Squirmish Takomo: Squirmish is one of four guards who work (in shifts) at the Manor. Squirmish is a young Half-Orc with a dour demeanor and a morbid sense of humor. He has a nasty scar across his lower jaw - The result of a 'workplace injury' that he doesn't care to discuss. Squirmish comes from a lower class Orcish clan, and is often looked down upon by other Orcish kind. Nonetheless, he takes great pride in his place as a guard at the Manor. Squirmish is an expert at unarmed combat, often practicing and giving wrestling lessons in town. He rarely engages visitors in friendly banter or jokes, taking his job a bit too seriously at times. Like the other guards at the Manor, Squirmish has received extensive training in the martial arts, and he's not your typical store guard. [Top] The Raven. Twilight: A large black Raven which can speak. Believed/supposed to be "X's" familiar? "Twilight is a terrific bird." This raven is capable of speech. Or so it seems. We've heard it speak on occasion. We're not quite sure how intelligent it is, but it certainly is a magnificent creature. [Top] "Then the boy reaches out and pets the birds head as it continues to eat the apple. The bird is rather impressive. Surely it must be two feet from beak to tail. The beak is sharp and straight, the talons look rather formidable as well. It's handling that apple rather easily. And the coat. It gleams as if polished. The bird reminds you of an obsidian dagger. [ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z ] Commander Valimar: A High ranking member of Ordulin guard. Gothri Valimar is an honest hardworking member of the Ordulin guard. He is renowned through the Guards Corp for his push-ups. He holds numerous 'records' amongst the Corps. He is a legend for having done 1,000 consecutive push-ups without pause, or any form of magical aid. More consequentially, he rose amongst the ranks by uncovering and leading an effort to eliminate a slavery ring operating within the Sembia Antiquities Bureau. In the process of breaking up this ring of evil conspirators, he personally rescued 27 young boys and girls from a cage in an underground lair. It was this experience that led to his membership in the Order of the White Hand.
[ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z ] Order of the White Hand: The Order of the White hand is a Sect of Priests, Clerics, Paladins, Druids and associates who worship Helm (Realms deity worshiped by guards, Paladins and protectors of all types. Also known as the Vigilant One. A protector, defender and sometimes enforcer). The members of this order are charged with protection of the realms, and they oppose all forms of deceit. Members are generally lawfully aligned, and they are trying to find and destroy various evil artifacts and magic items used in the corruption of the realms and to further evil goals. Members encountered by Xterminators wore white plate mail and black gloves. The gloves are believed to protect the wearer against curses from afflicted and or cursed magical items.
[ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z ]
Xilba Tanor: Xilba is a friendly Halfling taxi driver. Xilba plies his craft in the city of Whillip. He seems to favor the fares who travel to and from X's manor. He might even have a room at the manor? He seems to be there every morning. Well, he seems to be there whenever our party of adventurer's are in town. Xilba has a friendly manner and he dresses in a snappy chauffeur's uniform. His team of found horses pulls one of the larger cabs in Whillip (the kind that travel to and from the city). Xilba appears to be one of those Hairfoot Halflings, his tousled red hair and freckled face lead one to believe that he's a young adult, but you never know with some of these Halflings. While he seems quite cultured in most regards, he prefers to keep his feet uncovered whenever possible. He's also quite 'Handy' with his feet; using them to work the brakes and various controls in the drivers seat. His signature orange and black pennant flies proudly over old 76 (the number on his cab). He charges the same (standardized?) fare that everyone else charges. 1gp for the whole day (within Whillip) or round trip to/from the outskirts of Whillip (which includes the Manor) or a 1sp for spot to spot transport inside the city. [Top] [ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z ] Yanithrex: A short throne stands near the west wall, constructed of fallen bits of masonry stacked against an old altar. A small, horned figure in red-dyed robes sits in the throne, and a force of six similar creatures guard her. The portion of the altar that serves as the throne's back features a carving of a rearing dragon. A metallic key is held firmly in the rearing dragon's open mouth. Yanithrex is the 'Kobold Queen'; the leader of the Kobolds residing in the Twilight Fortress. This female Kobold is a small reptilian humanoid - Smaller than your typical Kobold, she is clearly revered by her 'subjects' (as Vern puts it "Held in Awe") and appears to be well guarded by an entourage of burly looking Bounders. The Xterminators engaged in parlay with Yanithrex. She agreed to have her cohorts refrain from attacking the party, in exchange for their assistance in retrieving an abducted mascot. The party agreed to help Yanithrex and the Kobolds. They found and recovered the mascot (A Wyrmling White Dragon) from the clutches of the despised Goblins. After returning the Dragon to its cage in the Kobold encampment, the party was rewarded by Yanithrex. Despite her unassuming looks and diminutive stature, Yanithrex is the leader of these Kobolds; one might wonder why she's in charge? [Top] [ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z ] Zhentarim: The Zhentarim - Previously known as 'the Black Network'. This mercenary company and greater mercantile company was organized in the north of the Realms. The group was formed more than 200 years ago, in the area just north of the Moonsea region. According to informed sources, the Zhentarim maintain their headquarters in 'Zhentil Keep' on the shores of the Moonsea. What was originally formed as a trading company, morphed into a group of mercenary for hire, then eventually became corrupted by evil self-serving leaders who seek to create a nation of their own. Populated by powerful and evil characters, this group consists of thieves, spies, assassins, malevolent wizards and political operatives who employ blackmail, coercion, subterfuge and deceit like finely honed weapons. When those efforts have sufficiently weakened the people in a region, they send in their mercenary in order to arrest control by force of arms. Their control of many political and commercially powerful leaders affords them great latitude and discretion in their operations. Their leaders serve dark gods (Bane and Cyric), and the organization continues to work towards one of its primary goals of dominating and conquering free lands, so that it can establish a nation-state of its own. [Top] |
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* Some non-player characters may not be included in this listing. If a player character meets an NPC and chooses to keep that characters identity secret then that NPC will not be listed here. One example of this might be the name of a 'guild' member or contact. In addition, not everyone the party meets is important enough to list here. |
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