Who is 'Robert Vaessen'? Read a brief BIO of the Author, or the Vaessen family genealogy. |
HTML editing: I use Dreamweaver CC to write, edit and manage most of my web pages on my 27-inch iMac (5k monitor). I occassionally use BBEdit for some tweaking. Two fantastic HTML tools for the Mac. One (Dreamweaver CC) provides excellent layout control, another (BBEdit) gives you control over every aspect of the page and your code. To learn more about these and other Mac web page creation tools, see my Software favorites page.
FEED BACK: I would love to hear from you. If you enjoyed your visit to my web site; if you have comments, suggestions, ideas or critiques; even if you just want to say hi. Visit my feedback page and submit your two cents worth. Please feel free to send me some email.

Note about the 'eMail-Stamp'. - Click it!
My Privacy Policy - I won't give away your email address (or any other personally identifiable information) to anyone without your prior approval. - Robert L. Vaessen PS: I'm not using ANY cookies. |
Kim & I recently purchased our very first home. You can learn all about it at this page. |
Running/GM'ing a face to face (f2f) D&D® campaign. View my FRP game related pages. |
Identifying the various tree species native to North America. I admit it. I'm a 'Tree Hugger'. |
The origins of the wheel. An alternate theory. Fallen trees, rolling down hills? I don't think so! |
Heretical diatribe! Time and motion do not exist? What is this nonsense? Intrigued, read on. |
What is DejaVu? and what has it got to do with the CIA and mind control? Inside info? |
What is a Human Barometer? One man's experience with joint pain and weather prediction. |
Once upon a time; I created an Artificial language. A language born on the eve of Halloween. |
The Vaessen Institute for Strategic Insight. A Think Tank For the 21st Century. Seriously? |
Playing a variety of Strategy & Simulation games. Reject the MONOPOLY® cliche! |
Listening to my collection of, "Not so 'Alternative' anymore" music. Am I getting old? |
We've been collecting movies since the mid 80's. Check out our favorites, and my reviews |
Reading a good book every now and then. 'Like I really have the time'. Better than the movie. |
The 'Karate Joe' series of comics. I have recreated all three original issues in HTML format. |
What's in my Junk Drawer? Are you the curious type? Take a peek while I'm away. |
My favorite Software. If you're authoring web pages with a Mac, here's my recommendations. |
Why I choose the Mac as the platform of choice for my home computer. Mac evangelism! |
I've been fighting spam since 1995. I've got a few techniques and opinions regarding the war. |
How AAFES violated their privacy policy and gave my email address to a marketing firm. |
My discourse on a travesty of legislated morality. The Military honor and decency act of '96. |
Legislative disaster in the making. The Universal Military Training and Service act of 2001. |
What is Spoofing? - It's a game of lots, a game of strategy and bluffing, a military tradition. |
Vaessen family Photos: A photo journal of Robert & Kim's adventures. People, places, things. |
Original Desktop photo's. My favorite desktop photo's from our travels around the world. |